Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo

Rocca di Sant'Apollinare

Sant'Apollinare (Spina di Marsciano)

The Heritage of San Pietro

The “Rocca di Sant’ Apollinare” is in Spina and it was originally a fortress. It is mentioned by Annibale Mariotti in “Historical memories of churches and the City of Perugia” where he said that the fortress was donated to the Farfa Abbey in 1030 by Ugone, son of Alberico and Tedrada. In 1060 it was ceded to San Pietro Monastery in Perugia and in 1892 passed to the Fondazione Istruzione Agraria.

At the beginning of the XVI Century it was converted into monastery to hosts the monks during various pidemics.

During the first years of the XVIII Century the properties had an economical growth and the Rocca di Sant’Apollinare became place for the conservation of farming production.  

Opening Hours: Accessible on booking, only upon agreement with Fondazione Istruzione Agraria

Entrance: € 6,00

Info: tel. +39 075 33753

Perugia Capitale