Place Via delle Prome (Porta Sole) Measures 70 sm. Inside 25 chair with armrests Accessibility Not weelchair accessible Renting Fees Delibera G.C. n. 522 del 27.12.2018 The requests need to arrive 15 days before the date for the happening and in agreement with the servizio anagrafe for the wedings, to the email address: € 100,00 for the whole day (8.00-20.00) € 50,00 half day (h. 8.00 am - 2.00 pm or 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm) The Villa is in SpoSi a Perugia project. Cotact person Comune di Perugia: Rosanna Bigerna Biblioteca comunale Augusta Via delle Prome tel. +39 075