Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo

Scuola Umbra di Amministrazione Pubblica

Scuola Umbra di P.A. Villa Umbra

School established by the Region of Umbria with Regional Law 23 December 2008, no. 24.

The Scuola Umbra di Amministrazione Pubblica (Umbrian School of Public Administration) promotes training and innovation as tools for improving quality in Umbrian public administration, also in accordance with the principles pursuant to Article 38 of Law 9 July 2007, no. 23 (Reform of the Regional and Local Administrative System - European Union and International Relations - Innovation and Simplification).

In addition to the Region of Umbria, the Umbrian public bodies that have chosen to be associated with the School are: the Province of Perugia, the Province of Terni, the Municipality of Perugia, the Municipality of Terni, the University of Perugia, the University for Foreigners of Perugia, CAL Umbria, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Umbria-Marche, ARPA Umbria and ADISU.

Info: Consorzio 'Scuola Umbra di Amministrazione Pubblica' Villa Umbra tel 075 515971 (central office)


Perugia Capitale