Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo

Sculptors in Brufa – The road of wine and art

Brufa - Torgiano

Contemporary Art open-air museum 

“Sculptors in Brufa – The road of wine and art” is an open-air itinerary of sculptures made by artist of national or international reputation, along the village of Brufa and its hill ridge. 

It is the result of an artistic experience started in 1987, thanks to the will of the Pro Loco of Brufa, together with Torgiano Municipality, underling the union between sculpture and country landscape, modelled in centuries by man work, with the wine and olive cultivation.

Each year a new artist is invited to place permanently a work of art on the hill of Brufa. It is an important event which shows also the starting of a link between the artist and the citizens of the village.

These the artists who, chronologically, took part to the thirty editions held till 2016:
Massimo Pierucci, Marcello Sforna, Mario Pizzoni, Agapito Miniucchi, Giuliano Giuman, Aurelio De Felice, Bruno Liberatore, Nino Caruso, Loreno Sguanci, Umberto Mastroianni, Mirta Carroli, Carlo Lorenzetti, Joaquín Roca-Rey, Nicola Carrino, Giuliano Giuliani, Gino Marotta, Eliseo Mattiacci, Mauro Staccioli, Valeriano Trubbiani, Pietro Cascella, Teodosio Magnoni, Federico Brook, Umberto Corsucci, Ettore Consolazione, Beverly Pepper, Federica Marangoni, Marco Mariucci, Tito Amodei, Paolo Pasticci, Hidetoshi Nagasawa.


The itinerary is visible all year round.

Info: Pro Loco di Brufa, tel. +39 075 9889208 – Torgiano Municipality, tel. +39 075 988601
Web site:

Perugia Capitale