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Perugia Turismo

San Martino in Colle

San Martino in Colle, Perugia (PG)

Hamlets and Castles

San Martino in Colle, south of Perugia, is placed along the “strada della collina” (Hill road) towards Marsciano. The Castle derives probably from an old country church, later a parish, consecrated to San Martino, about which there’s a note in a diploma by Federico I in 1163.

In 1312, the castle was set on fire by the troops of Arrigo VII, but it was immediately rebuilt by Perugia and in 1320, it was fortified by a wall still surrounding the hamlet. 

In 1390, the Castle was a stronghold of the Raspanti side, running out from Perugia; in 1403, it was occupied by the Vatican troops and in 1416, after the conquering of Perugia of Braccio da Montone, it became again a refuge for the communard side, to get back under Braccio’s dominion soon after. The Parish Church, consecrated in 1869, is right in the village square and is one of the 54 “leonine” churches commissioned by the Bishop Gioacchino Pecci, the future Pope Leone XIII. The bell tower was taken from one of the seven defending tower of the ancient castle, and is today known as “Torretta Masini”. The turret is the only thing remaining of the ancient tower of the castle where it is said to have rested Federico I Barbarossa during a rest from a battle.

The viewpoint, enclosed by the walls, is on the west side of the hamlet and sees to Assisi, Torgiano and Deruta. The village is divided into five districts: Castello, Ferriere, Feltro, Cardeto and Belvedere.

Along the “strada della collina” (Hill road), in the neibourhood of the village, there’s the Church of the Madonna del Feltro, little chapel of modern appearance built to protect a  painting of “Maestà viaria” (Majesty along road). The Church has been reconstructed in 1985 following the collapse of the roof.

About the place name two are the probable ipothesys: the first is linked to activities of the making of felt with boiled wool; the secondi is that the church is in an area between the hamlets of  San Fortunato della Collina and San Martino, known as “Fultro”. Within the church, on the back wall, the fresco, ruined by exposure to adverse weather, of a Madonna seated with folded hands adoring the Child reading a Book of Hours. Above two angels flying holding a crown and on the background a landscape. The fresco, about 1496, has been attributed by the scholar Filippo Todini, to Bernardino di Betto, known as Pinturicchio.

Info: Associazione Pro Loco San Martino in Colle

Perugia Capitale