Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo


Hamlets and Castles

The Castle of Morleschio is situated in the neighbourhood of Civitella Benazzone, along the road leading to Santa Cristina di Gubbio from Casa del Diavolo. The year of its original construction is uncertain.

In 1402, the Vatican Army of Bonifacio IX (1389-1404) occupied it, and just after that it was conquered back by the commoners from Perugia.

From Morleschio, started the socalled “via del fuoco” (Fire street)  through which, going also through  Civitella Benazzone, Ponte Pattoli  and Cordigliano, the peasants carried firewood for Porta Sant'Angelo for public and private usage.

The Castle is surrounded by walls with a tower and embrasures. Passing under an arch surmounted by brackets a narrow alley leading to a little square where the ancient buildings of sandstone. Part of the complex is the church of S Adrea Apostolo, depending from the Abbey of Montelabate, where are still visible frescoes from the XIV Century.

Perugia Capitale