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Perugia Turismo

Monumental Cemetery

Via Enrico dal Pozzo

The most beautiful after Staglieno

It is situated in Via Enrico dal Pozzo, nearby San Bevignate templar complex, in an area interested by necropolis since the Etruscan period.  

It was built following to Napoleon edict that established the entombment outward the residential area. It was built in 1837 following the project of the architect Francesco Lardoni and inaugurated by the archbishop Gioacchino Pecci, hereafter Pope Leone XIII. After ten years it was necessary to expand the construction.

This monumental structure contains the examples of peruginian sculpture and architecture of the XIX and XX Century. The artists, most of them coming from the Academy Fine Arts Pietro Vannucci, were inspired by the artistic tendency of that time: Realism, Expressionism, Liberty, Art Déco and Eclecticism.

Among the most important artists and architects Raffaele Angeletti, Nazzareno, Angelo e Francesco Biscarini, Romano Mignini, Giuseppe Frenguelli, Bruno Arzilli, Giuseppe Luchetti, Ugo Tarchi, Tito Orfei and others. The custumers were mainly bourgeois or people from the rising political class.

Walking through the boulevards and the monumental arcades it is possible to know the illustrious personalities of history, arts, literature and politics of the Perugia of the epoch.

Opening Hour:  weekdays and holidays: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm (6:30 pm during in summer).

Info: +39 075 5734382

 Wheelchair accessible

Perugia Capitale