Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo

Franco Bicini Theatre

Via del Cortone, 35

The voice of the purest Perugia

It is dedicated to the dialect plays of Perugia, it is hosted in an ancient vaulted room. Renovated in these last years, it was opened in 2015.  It was born thanks to the effort of the company of  Canguasto (in Peruginian dialect “mad dog”), who performed their plays since the ‘70s “con il donca” (with a Peruginian accent) in the little cabaret with the same name (in the ancient part of the town, in  c via U. Rocchi) and had at its disposal this very room used as a storage.

The real soul of the company is Mariella Chiarini, continuing the work of its founder Franco Bicini, to whom the theatre is dedicated. An author who has masterfully lived all the different aspect of the show: theatre, radio, television.

The new location is also a research and communication centre of the theatre culture, thanks to acting courses, internships for different theatrical specializations, that will contribute to form actors for theatre productions.  

Info: tel +39 075 5726047 -  +39 333 3879119

Wheelchair accessible
Web site: 

Perugia Capitale