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Perugia Turismo

Villa Montefreddo di Bagnaia

Strada Bagnaia - Pilonico Materno, Perugia (Pg)

Villas and Palaces

Villa Montefreddo was built as country residence during the first half of the XVII Century by Count Angelo degli Oddi, and after three centuries it was inherited by the Marini Clarelli Family.

It is one of the most prestigious villa of the area dating to the  XVII-XVIII Centuries, not only for its architectonic structure, but also due to the roof Italian gardens on four different terraces. A centuries old cypresses boulevard leads to the palace, on top of a hill.

The building is also composed of more ancient parts, among which a medieval sandstone tower. It consists in three floors, C shaped with a central inner yard, closed by a more recent building. The only two ornaments present are the two ashlar-worked portals.

The decorations that today testify of the baroque period are the wrought iron gates and the pillars sustaining the gratings, with pinnacles and scrolls, the fountains and the balustrades of the terraces, the geometries of the box and yew edges.

There’s also a lemon house, the biggest in Perugia area, that was also used as a party facility. Within a sequence of ogive arches and a herm decorated socket leading to a double ramp staircase and into a busts gallery.

The Villa is in SpoSi a Perugia project

Info: Tel +39 075 774172

Perugia Capitale