Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo

Trails between castles and country churches

Excurion walks in the norther area of Perugia

The aim of this guide (here we present a long extract) is to be a useful instrument for all of those who are passionate about nature, desire to be in close contact with it and discover an environmentally and culturally rich and generous land. The walks proposed in this guide, over well-marked trails through breathtaking landscapes with lush vegetation, will not delude these expectations, even when nature sleeps in wintertime.

Download Guide:

 Trails between castles and country churches

All of the walks we describe are loops, that is, they bring you back to your point of departure, and they can all be easily reached by car. Although the trails we describe are basically meant to be walked, taking care one can also enjoy them on a mountain bike or on horseback.

Presented by:

- CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO Sezione di Perugia
- Associazione culturale MONTI DEL TEZIO

Made possible by funding from the European Community, Docup Ob.2 - Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico - Regione Umbria. Patrocinio Comune di Perugia -  Assessorato al Turismo.

Francesco Brozzetti, Angelo Pecetti, Marcello Ragni, Graziano Vinti.
Text coordination
Aldo Frittelli, Elisabetta Piccin.
Text translation
Dorine Kunst – Rose Traduzioni per il Turismo
Mauro Bifani, Francesco Brozzetti, Silvio Cipriani, Angelo Pecetti, Marcello Ragni.
Graphic design
Francesco Brozzetti
Maps elaborations
Mauro Bifani, Angelo Pecetti, Angelo Pericolini
Translation from Italian into English
Dorine Kunst
With special thanks to Silvio Cipriani, Lorena Rosi Bonci, Anna Bigozzi, Giuseppina Lombardi, Oliviero Fusini, Andrea Castellini, Fabio Masci and Annalisa Nicastro for their invaluable help.

Perugia Capitale