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Perugia Turismo

Loggia dei Lanari

Piazza Matteotti, 18

Upon the ancient prisons

The Loggia dei Lanari is a white and pink stone building of 1300, restructured in the XX Century,  composed with brick vaults and big arches facing on Monte Subasio and the Umbrian landscape. It was entitled to the craft of Lanari(wool craftsmen) because it hosted spinning workshops. It was also a refuge for pilgrims. A headstone of 1932 reminds that this is the place where San Francesco was imprisoned, intending the area not the specific building. Actually, the whole Piazza del Sopramuro (today called Piazza Matteotti) was built in different periods, all subsequent to the death of San Francesco.

In 1273 it was built a “muro civitas”, a terracing outside the Etruscan city wall, with arches reinforced by buttress 15 meters high. In the XV Century over the artificial Piazza del Sopramuro were built the Capitano del Popolo and the Ancient University Palaces. The walls of those engineering buildings absorb the underlying prison, placed perpendicular to the Sala dei Lanari.

Info: The hall is unused waiting for a new purpose, is visible from the covered market.

Wheelchair accessible

Perugia Capitale