Skin ADV
Perugia Turismo

Daily and weekly markets


Piazza del Circo and Rocca Paolina 
The re-transfer to the covered market terrace in Piazza Matteotti is currently underway: from 26/08/2022 only the fish market has been transferred from Piazza del Circo.
Mondays-Saturdays 7:30 am - 8:00 pm 

"Campagna amica", market for agricultural products (Info: Coldiretti tel. 075 506761)
Via Michelangelo Iorio 8 (Madonna Alta)
Tuesdays h. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Fridays and Sutardays h. 9:00 am – 7:00 pm


TUESDAYS -  8:00 am-2:00 pm
Piazza Danti - Piazza Fortebraccio - Piazzale del Bove
On Tuesday, at Ponte San Giovanni at the CVA car park, from 10/07/2020 there is also the experimental and temporary market "Campagna amica", a market of only private-initiative agricultural producers in a public area (Info: Coldiretti tel. 075 506761)

WEDNESDAYS - 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Ferro di Cavallo - Ponte Pattoli - Pianello o Colombella (alternating weekly market between Pianello and Colombella)

THURSDAYS - 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Piazza Fortebraccio - Ponte Felcino - Ponte S. Giovanni - S. Martino in Campo - S. Sisto
Piazza Umbria Jazz/Pian di Massiano ->"Campagna amica", market for agricultural products - Info: Coldiretti tel. 075 506761

SATURDAYS -8:00 am-2:00 pm
Piazza Umbria Jazz / Pian di Massiano - S. Erminio - Ponte Valleceppi - Castel del Piano - Piazzale del Bove.
In the occasion of the football matches of Perugia, the timetable change.
The two off-market parking spaces for the “cocciari” of Deruta are no longer in Piazza Danti, but have been moved to Piazza Italia or Piazza Matteotti or Via S. Ercolano according to pre - existing occupation.

Info: Comune di Perugia - Ufficio Commercio su Area Pubbliche. Piazza Morlacchi, 23 - tel. 075 5773401 - 075 5772331 - fax 075 5772258

Perugia Capitale